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8 - How to Implement Dialogflow With Oxygen Builder


Dialogflow is a natural language understanding platform used to design and integrate a conversational user interface into mobile apps, web applications, devices, bots, interactive voice response systems and related uses.
The Dialogflow Messenger integration provides a customizable chat dialog box for your agent that can be inserted into a web site. The chat box is implemented as a dialog box that the end user can open and close. When opened, the chat box appears above the content at the bottom right of the screen.

Dialogflow Messenger

Dialogflow Messenger brings a rich user interface to Dialogflow that allows developers to easily add conversational agents to websites...
We have to login to our Dialogflow account https://dialogflow.cloud.google.com/


We are headed to Integrations - Text based - Dialogflow Messenger 
Currently it is a BETA version
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Enable the Dialogflow Messenger integration to continue.
Click ENABLE button
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Add this agent to your website by copying the following code
Click on the icon in the lower-right corner.
Then close the window by clicking on the CLOSE button.
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Code Block

In the page or templete you are using or where you want to put the ChatBot add a Code Block
In the PHP & HTML section paste the code you copied above
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By default the ChatBot Icon appears at the bottom-right of our pages.
Various visual and functional aspects of the ChatBot can be customized.
Dialogflow Messenger documentation English Documentation
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