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OxyExtras Author Box

OxyExtras Author Box give you to a quick way to display author information for single posts, including avatar, author name, bio & links.

General Settings

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.

this is the default display



Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.

The SECTION element is defined as a semantic section of a web page.


Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.

the DIV element for the parts of the page to be split, but for purposes other than semantics.


Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.

This element, like the DIV, is not a semantic element. It is an inline element that you can use to add hooks for styles and scripts.

Layout & Spacing

Child Element Layout: Vertical

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.

Group the elements vertically 

Child Element Layout: Horizontal

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.

Group the elements horizontally

Horizontal Item Alignment: Left

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.


Horizontal Item Alignment: Center

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.


Horizontal Item Alignment: Right

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.


Text Align: Left

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.


Text Align: Center

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.


Text Align: Right

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.


Image: Display

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.


Image: Hide

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.


Image size

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.

Size 150px

Image size

Written by John Doe

(born February 25, 1953),[1] known professionally as John Doe, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, poet, guitarist and bass player.

Size 90px

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